Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Everything was all fine and good. Then Monday night right before bed my throat started to burn/itch/get sore. I ignored it, like maybe I yawned to big or something crazy made it feel funny.

I woke up Tuesday morning and my throat was all dry and scratchy, so was my chest. It felt like there was sawdust in my chest. I ate a cough drop and felt better. I worked all day and felt alright. We had a track interval run planned, which is hard for us to fit into our schedule… so I was determined to do the workout.

We ran a total of 4 miles, with 4 - 300meter fast intervals. I just kinda made up the workout to see how it would feel. It was good. I wish I had more time for track running. My left shin has been barking at me for a few days. This I’d like to ignore as well.

So I woke up this morning, feeling even yuckier than I did yesterday. Throat sore, chest tight. I HATE getting a chest cold. I’m still in total denial that a chest cold is looming. Nope, it’s something else. I have this dry cough… yuck.

I got some Kid’s Mucinex this morning. The full adult dose makes me loopy. I just take a 12yr old’s dose, I figured I’m still about the size that I was when I was 12. Went through puberty and never grew any more! So, I’m hoping that I’ll feel better soon.

Have a 5 mile treadmill run planned for tonight on my training schedule. Hmmmm…. I really don’t want to miss it AT ALL, then I try to convince myself that I’d be better off resting and getting better.

The Sweetheart 12K is Saturday. I’ll be super pissed if I can’t run that due to being sick. I know I should let my shin rest some. But I don’t WANT TO! I WANT to RUN! Blah. Not fair. Oh well. I guess I have until 5PM when I get off work to decide what I want to do about it.

1 comment:

  1. Kat, STAY HOME!!!! You must get your rest to boost your immune system. If you are sick you are more septible to other germs that are out there. Rest now so that it will pay off later. That will be $50.00 :o)

