Friday, July 17, 2009

Bon Temps

Weird title, I know. See, I can't do anything without looking for some kind of deeper meaning I guess. Chuck and I have been all into this show on HBO called True Blood, amazingly enough... about vampires. We've gotten the first season on DVD and now we're ready for the second season to be out... since we don't have HBO. Well, the ficticous town that the story is set in is called Bon Temps... which when pronounced sounds more like, bon tom... yeah... try to sound french. I was showering this morning and wondering what that means in french, looked it up, and it's "good times". I like that. Cause isn't that what life is all about? The Good times.

Aside from my ability to say "I learned something new today" (which I'd like to do everyday) first thing in the morning. My day has been great. I spent the morning in with my sweetie, I cooked eggs, bagles, and coffee... ate while we watched the Tour de France. Later, we went to the Cantrell Center for the first time and swam some laps. I went a total of 400 meters. It was a very enjoyable workout. I can't wait to go back.

My running for the week has been alright. My training has been limited to the treadmill, due to the heat. I'd love to run before work when it's not so hot, but I have to leave the house at 6AM and I'm really not interested in getting up before 4 to go run. I used to run early in the am, but not that early! I am planning on going out for my long run tomorrow morining with my mom at about 6:30 to beat the heat.

I went in and edited a few posts and added some pictures I've been meaning to upload. So If anyone is interested, I've got a pic of my new tattoo on the Tat post and some pics on the XTERRA post.

Well, I'm tired and I want to get to bed since I plan to get up early.

All.... don't forget to live it up and enjoy the bon temps!

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