Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Much needed Rest

After my week of extra miles last week, Monday I only taught my spin class (30 min) and did some abs. Yesterday the plan was to do 30 min of cardio, probably on the Arc Trainer at the gym. On the way home from work I was SO tired and felt very rundown. I took the "listen to your body" advise and decided to cancel the workout. Went home and did NOTHING, even got to bed by 9PM and got an entire 8 hours of sleep which is very unusual for me on a week night. Do I feel guilty about skipping a cardio workout? Heck no, not this time. I am sure my body needed the rest and recovery. Tonight the plan is a 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill. Now I'm jazzed up and looking forward to running after work.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill!?!? I can't make it more than a mile on that thing!

