Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recovery Week... I tried

Monday, Monday… No, wait. It’s Tuesday. Sure feels like a Monday though, being back to work after a 4 day weekend. Regardless of how if “feels”, today is the 2nd day of my 2nd week of my more structured and goal oriented training under Sam.

Let’s recap last week:

Chuck & I were told from the get-go to “take it easy” this week due to the fact that we “ran an 1.5 hour tempo run” (Sam's words) on Saturday. But, being all excited about the new training program it was SO hard to hold back. So hard that I didn’t really listen well on Tuesday night’s track workout… although I wised up and took it easier on my tempo run Thursday.

Here’s how Week 1 Turned out-

Mon. 10/5 – Easy run on the treadmill, 4.4 miles in 45 minutes
Avg Pace 10:22 - Avg. HR 158

Tues. 10/6 - Speed work @ FPD
(100M Run & Recover, 200M Run & Recover, 800 Meter Run & Recover) x 3

Wed. 10/7 – Rest Day (Taught Body Blitz Class)

Thurs. 10/8 – Easy Run outside, 4.4 miles in 45 minutes

Fri. 10/9 - Tempo Run (1 mile warmup/1mile cooldown)
20 Min. at a little less than tempo pace – avg. 9:01

Sat. 10/10 - Long Run 9 miles @ 10:30 pace Avg. HR 164

Sun. 10/11 - REST DAY… Did NOTHING..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

After forwarding all of my data to RC… for the most part it was a great training week. I just didn’t cool down enough after my tempo run, my heart rate was still too high. I’ve also been given the OK to start hitting my VDOT chart paces for speedwork. Woo Hoo. I am ready to start challenging myself in that area.

I’m planning on running 2 races in October, both being 5K’s. They are, the Race for the Cure & Jay’s Hope. I’m interested to see how those two races turn out.

I’ve got a good mental plan for the rest of October. RC has been so nice and answered all of my questions about what to do and how to do it. I feel positive and like I’m on the right track.

Oh, one other cool thing…
First off, I think I’ve already mentioned how cool I think it is that I get the opportunity to train with my Mom. Maybe due to the fact that I get to run with her a lot, I don’t think much about how cool it is. (Mom… it’s cool!)

This weekend I got the opportunity to run with my Dad. He was in town briefly this weekend. He had been a runner for a long long time… 30+ years. He had intended to run the Jax Half with us, but his knee started bothering him and he reduced his mileage too much to do that distance. Well, during my long run on Sat… Chuck & I ran past his hotel and he picked up 2 miles with us. It was great to run and chat alongside my Dad. I had not seen him in over a year. We got to catch up a way you only can while sweating out the miles!

It was also cute later on when we took off our shoes and socks and compared foot issues. We have almost the exact same problems spots on our feet. Each have a bunion on the right foot, and the 2nd toe toenails get beat up and turn black, fall off, and the tip of those toes are callused. Interesting…

I plan on another update by next week. Let’s see how training goes for Week TWO???

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pumpkin!

    It's cool running with you :)

    Love ya,


